
对于开放注册的 WordPress 多用户博客而言,我们可能需要了解用户所发布的,虽然 WordPress 后台的有“文章”这个列,但是默认是不支持的,无法快速查看发布了文章的用户以及他们的,要解决这个问题,我们只需要将下面的代码添加到主题的 functions.php 即可:

Plugin Name: Sort Users by Post Count
Description: Add a column to the Users page in the admin to sort users by post counts.https://github.com/ksemel/sort-users-by-post-count
Version: 1.0
Author: Katherine Semel
if ( ! class_exists('Sort_Users_By_Post_Count') ) {
    class Sort_Users_By_Post_Count {
        function Sort_Users_By_Post_Count() {
            // Make user table sortable by post count
            add_filter( 'manage_users_sortable_columns', array( $this, 'add_custom_user_sorts' ) );
        /* Add sorting by post count to user page */
        function add_custom_user_sorts( $columns ) {
            $columns['posts'] = 'post_count';
            return $columns;
    $Sort_Users_By_Post_Count = new Sort_Users_By_Post_Count();

