全新改版wordpress新闻杂志类主题:Sahifa 4.0.0完全汉化版

全新改版wordpress新闻杂志类主题:Sahifa 4.0.0完全汉化版






==Version 4.0.0 - 07-10-2013  ====================================
- NEW FEATURE: New TiePanel modern Flat and Clean design .
- NEW FEATURE: Retina Ready .
- NEW FEATURE: WooCommerce Ready
- NEW FEATURE: Buddypress 1.7+ Ready .
- NEW FEATURE: bbPress Ready .
- NEW FEATURE: Responsive Google AdSense .
- NEW FEATURE: Instagram Followers Counter .
- NEW FEATURE: SoundCloud Followers Counter .
- NEW FEATURE: Behance Followers Counter .
- NEW FEATURE: Compatibility with Infinite Scroll plugin .
- NEW FEATURE: Best Reviews page template with options to set categories and the number of posts .
- NEW FEATURE: Mega menu for categories links in the main nav to show latest 3 posts .
- NEW FEATURE: Supports breadcrumbs rich snippets .
- NEW FEATURE: Schema SEO Rich Snippet Authors Microdata.
- NEW FEATURE: options to set Custom bg and colors for posts and pages .
- NEW FEATURE: Unlimited Review Criterias .
- NEW FEATURE: Drag and drop feature to sort the Review Criterias.
- NEW FEATURE: Support HTML in Review Summary.
- NEW FEATURE: Support Custom sliders in the slider widget .
- NEW FEATURE: 13 new Patterns .
- NEW FEATURE: Option to display Breaking news on the homepage only .
- NEW FEATURE: Meta options for the Homepage boxes .
- NEW FEATURE: Meta options for archives and Homepage blog layout .
- NEW FEATURE: Option to Hide Slides caption .
- NEW FEATURE: Option to set the length of Slides caption .
- NEW FEATURE: option to set number of posts in tabbed widget .
- NEW FEATURE: Option to set custom category logo ( applies on posts under it ) .
- NEW FEATURE: option for Full width logo.
- NEW FEATURE: option to Center the logo.
- NEW FEATURE: option to hide the main nav.
- NEW FEATURE: option to upload a Retina Version of the site logo.
- NEW FEATURE: option to show share buttons in the top of the post .
- NEW FEATURE: option to Enable/Disable the modern Colored browser Scrollbar .
- NEW FEATURE: Active title link for the scrolling and news in picture boxes .
- NEW FEATURE: OG Meta for posts with option to disable it .
- NEW FEATURE: Nofollow option for banners settings and Ads widgets .
- NEW FEATURE: Apple devices Friendly .
- NEW FEATURE: Background image ADS .
- NEW FEATURE: Post link on the image in the Elastic slider .
- NEW FEATURE: Full Share buttons on archives .
- NEW FEATURE: Facebook Like and tweet buttons on the lightbox.
- NEW FEATURE: Option to set a custom URL for the login page logo.
- NEW FEATURE: Multiple categories selection for blog list page template .
- NEW FEATURE: option to set User Roles for the authors page template .
- NEW FEATURE: Option to set custom Title for the related posts box .
- NEW FEATURE: Supports Youtube channels in the social counter widget .
- NEW FEATURE: Variable tags to display current year , Site name and site URL dynamically in footer areas .
- NEW FEATURE: New Social icons for 500px - Soundcloud , github and foursquare
- NEW FEATURE: Behance and instagram in the author social links
- NEW FEATURE: Post format icons appears when mouseover on featured image .
- NEW FEATURE: Multiple rows supported in the main nav .
- NEW FEATURE: Offset option in the Homepage boxes .
- NEW FEATURE: Video post format now supports Viddler, Qik, Hulu, FunnyOrDie, WordPress.tv and blip.tv .
- NEW FEATURE: Video Box in the homepage builder .
- NEW FEATURE: Live typography preview .
- NEW FEATURE: Added new 129 Google Fonts .
- NEW FEATURE: New Web Safe Fonts .
- NEW FEATURE: New FlexSlider caption animation .
- NEW FEATURE: One Click Auto-Install demo sample data .
- NEW FEATURE: Added Danish language files .
- NEW FEATURE: Typography option for Khmer and Vietnamese Google fonts Character sets .
- Improved: Columns shortcode now responsive .
- Improved: H1 tag for categories and tags titles in archives pages .
- Improved: Search when "Exclude Pages in results" option enabled .
- Improved: Apply the Typography options on Post Titles in the Blog Layout .
- Improved: Footer bottom area text size on small devices .
- Improved: Pagination style for Multiple posts pages .
- Improved: Share Buttons load time .
- Improved: Scrolling box responsive style .
- Improved: Cat tabbed box and tabbed widget .
- Improved: Wp_title() function .
- Improved: Thumbnails functions .
- Improved: Facebook Counter function .
- Improved: Twitter Counter function .
- Improved: Twitter widget .
- Improved: User ratings stars on Firefox  .
- Improved: Facebook widget .
- Improved: Flex slider start time .
- Improved: Widgets with empty titles which breaks HTML theme structure .
- Improved: Remove "Comments are closed." and "Category Archives:" .
- Improved: All Categories settings moved to category edit page .
- Improved: RTL Style issues .
- Improved: Related posts module .
- Updated : PrettyPhoto to version 3.1.5 .
- Fixed: Total score stars bug in points review system (Edit the posts contained points reviews and click update button) .
- Fixed: Social Counter style bug on RTL .
- Fixed: Conflict with Digg Digg plugin.
- Fixed: Recent posts box pagination bug.
- Fixed: The number of posts in the recent posts box when there are sticky posts.
- And other improvements and minor bug fixes.





4:9月10日 小工具增加优酷、土豆视频工具!其中优酷视频无广告!土豆视频由于技术原因暂时未能特别广告,请大家静候佳音!

5: 3.4新增IE浏览器、双核浏览器IE内核,浏览时强制使用标准模式,解决本主题在兼容模式下导航错误的问题 (逍遥乐独创)

6:  3.4新增默认修改后台登陆logo链接为首页、鼠标悬浮文字为网站名称!logo图片可在后台主题设置中修改。  4.0开始主题自带logo链接设置。

7: 3.4新增如果文章没有设置特色图像,发布文章时自动设置文章第一张图片为 特色图像。国人习惯、懒人专利!这个代码不稳定,如出现问题,请删除相关代码。 如需更加个性详情:https://www.luoxiao123.cn/4132.html 

8:  3.4增加文章浏览量计数!无需插件支持 

9:  页面自动化 meta关键字、描述、已给出代码教程,自由设置! 


10:9月9日应大家的请求 本次增加了小工具 社交媒体 国内主流网站的图标链接! 设置链接请到sahifa主题设置菜单——社交媒体 中添加修改!您只需要在对应项加入链接即可!不加入不显示! 

已加入的主流媒体有(排名不分先后):51社区、网易、百度贴吧、百度空间、点点、豆瓣、和讯博客、开心网、邮箱、QQ、QQ空间、人人网、搜狐、新浪微博、腾讯微博、天涯、虾米网!如果大家还有其他建议请在发布页下方留言!谢谢! 主题本次4.0.0更新,使用了最新的svg矢量图技术,暂时还没发加入国内社会化媒体图标,稍后我会想办法,敬请期待!



全新改版wordpress新闻杂志类主题:Sahifa 4.0.0完全汉化版


全新改版wordpress新闻杂志类主题:Sahifa 4.0.0完全汉化版


全新改版wordpress新闻杂志类主题:Sahifa 4.0.0完全汉化版


全新改版wordpress新闻杂志类主题:Sahifa 4.0.0完全汉化版


全新改版wordpress新闻杂志类主题:Sahifa 4.0.0完全汉化版


全新改版wordpress新闻杂志类主题:Sahifa 4.0.0完全汉化版全新改版wordpress新闻杂志类主题:Sahifa 4.0.0完全汉化版

 4.0.0  完全 100%汉化 大到前台、主题设置、文章发布页、小工具、还有文章发布页按钮等,小到一些小提示、一个按钮都全部汉化,细致入微,给你中文原版的感觉!逍遥乐汉化 这是网络上第一款汉化版本,也将是最完全的汉化版本,因为逍遥乐已经将主题完全汉化! 本主题经过完整安装和使用测试保证无汉化bug,对于原主题bug,请恕我无法修复!




注:此汉化版本收费 ,超低价,仅需10元!!本来原打算像以前汉化插件一样免费分享给大家的,分享给大家的!但是谁知道,这个主题比其它主题和插件,需要汉化的太多了,时间一用就是几天,逍遥乐坚持着,把他汉化完成!可能也只有我们这些在校学生有大把的时间来弄,要是出来工作了,可能就没那么多时间了!10元真的不算贵,算是对本人每天汉化的一点小补贴吧!   








7 :此汉化版本不包含升级版本!如需购买升级版本另需付费! 

8:付款成功后,请登录网站后台进入“网上商城”,下载主题下载链接文件,下载链接在文档中!如果下载失败,请发送自己的支付宝账号、订单号到luoxiao123@outlook.com 索取,逍遥乐将在24小时内回复!注:请不要使用担保交易,否则可能需要我发货和你确认收货后你才能看到下载地址! 



